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All orders begin to be prepared when the payment is confirmed. You will receive an email with the tracking of your order.

Our handling time is 2 to 4 business days. This means that your order will generally be shipped within this period.

Make sure all the data submitted is correct when placing an order; We are not responsible for incorrect / incomplete information, such as name, shipping or billing addresses, postal code, telephone number, etc.

The courier is always responsible for delivering the package. If a package is considered delivered by courier and has not been received by the customer, it is the customer’s responsibility to proceed with the necessary methods to ensure that the merchandise is delivered correctly.



1-3 business days

* please note that these are estimated delivery times. Weekends, holidays and unexpected circumstances are not included in the estimated delivery time. We wish we could, but unfortunately we cannot control the third party couriers that handle the shipping for us. If any delays occur we kindly ask you to be patient. A stunning piece of jewellery is coming your way!

If you still have any question regarding shipping and delivery times please reach out to us at We are happy to help.